Spring Drains
A Patented innovation
S Drains expedite porewater pressure dissipation while providing effective load transference into underlying competent soil strata. S Drains eliminated Peat Boils based on visual observations after one year.
S Drains expedite porewater pressure dissipation while providing effective load transference into underlying competent soil strata. S Drains eliminated Peat Boils based on visual observations after one year.
Contact the inventors of Spring Drain for any questions you may have on this open source design.
Managing Director
TBT Engineering Limited
M: 807-626-6639
E: rfrenette@tbte.ca
Vice President, Earth & Environmental
TBT Engineering Limited
M: 807-621-1335
E: gmaki@tbte.ca
Spring Drain Treatment Options and Considerations April 2024
Click to download the most recent literature on Spring Drains treatment options.
A peat boil forms when a zone of peat below the peat below the railway embankment has liquified under dynamic train loading. Excess porewater pressures as high as 4m of head have been measured during the passing of a train. The liquified peat is of very low strength which causes the embankment fills to fall into the zone of peat, forming a hole in which the liquified peat ejects.
Peat Boil/Mud Spot developments have been increasing as a result of longer and heavier trains running at a greater frequency to meet the shipping demands of our growing global economies.
Traditional treatments have invoiced lengthy track blocks to allow for removal of underlying peat/soft soils and reinstatement with rock fill. Alternative treatments have included helical piles, geo-spikes, and stabilizes soil treatments beneath the rail.
None of the traditional nor alternative methods are as effective as the Spring Drain for its ability to cost-efficiently treat Peat Boils and Mud Spots with limited impact to rail traffic as the installation is completed without disruption to rail infrastructure and completed in between trains, thus avoiding operational impacts.
Unstable peat bog subgrade contributes to derailment
Click to download information regarding unstable peat and derailments.
Punching shear failure in peat subgrade derailment
Click to download literature regarding punching shear failure.